

本人清华本科毕业,放弃了推研,申请出国失败,毕业后在北京某学校教书一段时间,9月份申请宝洁非应届职位CBD(客户商业发展部)部门的key account manager 。10.13笔试,一共两轮,具体细节不说了,精华区里面有,可能有的同学不知道TOEIC是啥,之前我也不知道,只是考试前一天从新东方的书店里抓了两本托业的书看看,很像托福,但是有些题型以及考察点不一样,最好大家提前看看,知己知彼考完笔试之后,让等通知,结果回来就收到了宝洁的一份问卷,问了三个问题,让于某某日中午前发回去,本来以为回答问题会决定面试与否,结果还没等发回去,宝洁就打电话通知面试去了。






Please answer the following questions in English within 1 hour to provide us concise examples from your experience that will help us better understand your capabilities. (Please note that this is not a test to assess your English writing skills.)

1. Give an example of a time when you were leading and influencing the direction of a project or task.
In every winter, a ceremonious party named Dong Qing is held in my college. Not only undergraduates but also graduates regard it as an opportunity to contribute an outstanding act so as to win the prize, which represents the honor and reputation. As a junior student, I was in charge of my class’s performance. I had to deal with the pressure from study, my classmates’ disinterest to act, and my role as the compere of the whole party.

Planning and operating were very important. First, in order to organize a performance team and make it operate effectively, I observed everyone in my class and then distributed the appropriate work to him or her. Second, since at the end of the term each member was busy with study, the rehearsal schedule should be reasonable and periodic. All team members cooperated well because of the low frequency and short time of each rehearsal. Third, music and scene were added into rehearsal in order to get close to the circumstance of the party.

In addition, I emphasized the value of time and ordered every actor to respect other partners. Finally, our performance was very successful. Not only did I represent as compere wonderfully, but also got good marks in final exam.

2. Describe a situation when you faced a difficult problem and how you solved it.
In the last winter, I got the position as a New Oriental teacher successfully. However, GRE writing lesson was a very challenging field. There were many handicaps as following: 1) I taught thousands of students at one time, but different students must submit diverse essays in the test; 2) GRE writing test was painful haze for most Chinese examinee; 3) ETS discriminated against Chinese examinee badly; 4) there was only one week for  me to prepare 10 lessons.

Through study in feature of both GRE writing test and Chinese examinee, I figured out an approach named Template to solve the problem. In order to write a well-organized and long enough essay in the test, students could prepare a template, which included some words compatibly used for most topics. I demonstrated an example template to students and then teach them not only how to use it to complete articles but also how to produce their own personal templates. Most students improved writing skills steadily. Meanwhile the approach strongly retorted the discrimination from ETS. Furthermore, after I finished a lesson, I would prepare the next one. At last, my class and I were welcomed warmly and  a new model of writing class was established.

3. Give an example of a time when you were able to come up with new ideas that were key to the success of some activity or project.
In 2001, I took part in summer internship in China Development Bank
(http://www.cdb.com.cn/). My department aimed at analyzing loans and managing risks.
Traditionally, the bank only depended on financial criteria submitted by firms to evaluate the decision of lending money. However, I was longing to explore a new method and was attracted by an idea that I could use Game Theory to analyze the decision of  loans. First of all, since all banks shared information, there was Non-cooperative Game with  Symmetrical Information among the banks in the project. Second, both static and dynamic conditions were included. Under the former condition, I used Prisoner’s Dilemma Model to analyze and build Payoff Profile with 6 Players, and then figured out that there was Dominant Strategy – Loan the Money; under the latter condition, I used Game Tree (The Extensive Form of a Game) and figured out that if China Development Bank moved first and took an advantage , it may have an incentive to try to precommit itself to particular actions before other banks. During this period, I not only got the praise from my supervisor but also learned about the application of Game Theory.