哈罗新年好!我两周之后跟european head of analytics Alexa面final round。之前给的feedback是说motivation问题, 包括why this position why BBG答得不是很好。我觉得我已经说了可以说的东西了(也可能稿子写得好面的时候紧张就没说全) 所以我想请问一下,主要针对why sales and analytics要怎么答比较好啊。我之前被一直问, you don't have sales experience, how do you know you want to get into sales? 我都是说我觉得我有comm skills, 是a people-person blah blah。貌似不是他们想听的T_T。求帮忙呀。至于why BBG, 我主要针对culture, opportunities来说的。大家有什么意见?
- phone interview for 10 min, by a team leader. 很简单的问题。就问了why BBG, why this position. 然后我提到一个alum是她之前team里的找到熟人哈哈就瞎聊了一通。
- 1st in-house. 30 min shadowing. ~1h 2-1 interview. 一个是sales 一个是analytics。sales的问了我CV上的东西(what was your daily tasks like in XYZ? Did you use BBG for that posision? Did you need to deal with multiple clients at the same time.)。然后又是why BBG why this position.接着问题了一个role-play问题how would you sell BBG terminal to a firm that currently uses Reuters. 然后analytics问了我很少量的金融知识问题(how would you use the easiet way to explain what a bond is to, say to your grandma? Why would a company want to finance with bond or equity.) 最后问我有没有什么问题要问他们。我觉得sales那个大爷不太喜欢我。送我走的时候大爷说,你可以说中文吗。我说我土生土长的中国人呢。大爷点个头 - 我觉得这点加分了幸好他问我 phew。三个working day之后就收到邮件说进下一轮。当时给了feedback就说why sales答得不是很好。但是觉得我整体很不错还有language advantage,就过了。。。
- 2nd in-house. 本来应该是一个小时的面试。UK sales mnger迟到了。总共面的过程可能30min. 又是一个sales一个analytics。sale大姐一进来就说how about you tell us about yourself? 然后根据我说的她问了一些我答案里的问题,其实就是聊CV了。然后又说我看你在投行实习过干啥不申投行了呀。(姐那是middle/back office谁想做。。)其实就是变着法子问why BBG。然后顺势扯到why this position。然后又问了markets的问题。哪些公司用BBG。然后analytics的说你把我要问的都问完了。我心想哎呀这么短的interview估计要挂。然后analytics小哥说,i see that you've done DCF for a case study, i know it's a while ago, but tell me what is a DCF. 我先垫了一下说it IS a while ago, but here's what i know. 框架说得还行的其实,他又问but sometimes you dont use FCF, what do you use then. 我不知道T_T我又不学corporate finance。。。然后他就说ok i see that you put XZY courses as your electives, tell me what is X. 我说yeah they are electives that i take this summer, but i can tell you what i know about it.他说你没学那算了。大姐看小哥问得差不多了接着问say you are successful as a candidated, why are you excited to join BBG. why are you excited to sell BBG?这个是why sales +why BBG。真的很喜欢问motivation questions... 具体怎么问的我忘了,我说i never thought about that (傻逼了。千万不要这么说) 她说ok what DO you wanna sell then? 我意识到一定不能说别的product所以我说bloomberg? 她给了我一个你傻逼的表情你不是刚说你没有想过sell BBG吗。我说i meant i didnt think you'd ask me that......此时感觉真的要挂了。然后我说Look, i love this company and its culture, blah blah, and i think it would be awesome if i could sell as well. 终于停问了。然后小哥说ok whereelse have you applied? 我说三个BBG的position。香港那个申请表里面问我在不在香港念书 - 不在 - 直接拒了。之前一个要会european language我没有达到business proficiency不行 - 拒了。穷追不舍的小哥 outside BBG? 我说not really anywhere this year. I applied to XZY before, got that intern, but not this year. ok结束了。我觉得sales的大姐不太满意。送我走的时候小哥说大概两三天之后,周三给你回复吧。我当时都觉得还有什么好回复的你们肯定拒了我T_T。昨天接到HR电话说孩子你过了两周后跟europe head终面。不过sales大姐果然给了不满意的feedback说关于sales的问题打得不好 - 真心不该说i never thought about it。
1. dont bullsh*t. 这也是我shadowing的时候小哥告诉我的。if you don't know something, say you dont know because they will dig deeper and deeper and find out that you lied.
2. be confident, smile at them, and (pretend to) be calm XD
3. know your answers to WHY BBG WHY THIS POSITION.... T_T
补充内容 (2015-4-20 08:29):