楼主刚刚面完,不得不吐槽跨洋通讯的各种信号bugs,30分钟的interview出现好几次巨大声的噪音以及一次彻底断线。 不过interviewer人真是很好很好,在一开始就会耐心说明通话过程中可能遇到的各种问题让我不要担心,听不清的内容随时请她repeat什么的~ (好喜欢她的accent~~)
首先要提醒童鞋们现在英国采用夏令时制,所以application system里预订telephone interview时要注意时差是7个小时而不是网站上提示的8个小时!比如time slots里9:00 - 9:30 am对应的就是北京时间16:00 - 16:30 (9+7=16)
1. Why do you want to apply to BT?
2. Why do you choose BT rather than other telecommunications companies in the region?
3. Have you done any research on BT? Talk about it.
4. What skills and attributes do you think you can bring to BT?
5. Tell me an example of when you challenged a person because you thought he was not acting with integrity.
6. Describe a time when you worked with others in a team to achieve something or overcome a difficult challenge. Anything you would have done differently if given this task again?
总体感觉是回答得越detail越好,interviewer也会根据你的回答适时提几个小的follow-up questions,不过大部分都是比较常见的competency-based questions,面试前熟悉下当时填application form时写的OQ还是很重要的~