面试的是个姑娘,或者大妈? 说了一遍名字结果我没听清。。。也不好再问。应该是菲律宾口语,开始一直不知道她在说什么,不过后来开始问题了就听懂了,所以没有浪费时间在问pardon上。。
面了估计25分钟-30分钟。中间还有时候说 你等等啊我记录一下 好可爱~~~~
Sec 1
1. Why International Banking?
2. Why RBS?
3. Career Path
4. What is your major and why do you think it fits in IB?
5. What skills do you think is important in IB.
Sec 2
1. What is your experience that you set a goal and try to achieve it?
2. During this experience, what is the difficulty you have met and how you have overcome it?
3. Describe experience when you work in a teamwork environment but with a set deadline?
4. What do you feel best during this experience (这个问的有点模糊...或者我的记忆模糊了...)