1)written test
详见3月花儿帖,在此补充完整6个indivudual topics:
- pension liabilities
- product segmentation
- credit issue
- hedge strategies and derivatives
- emerging market
- debt issue
And the common topic is about green energy, which will be provided in the info pack on the day. I think nothing could be done and need to be done, actually, for this topic in advance.
这个部分的难易程度和个人运气很有关系。而且也是一天的基础。3 out of 4 parts are relied on the info pack. 时间很紧,材料很多。
2)Group discussion
努力从别人那里拿到信息,otherwise you cannot deliver any solutions. And it is important to present good teammork manner.
3) Role play
高层员工从各方面问问题,all based on your work in the previous two stages,and you will have another 30 mins to make preps before this.
4)situational and technical interview
根据和other candidates的讨论,每个面试官的style完全不同,问的问题也完全不同,只能做好万全准备。
总体感觉quite technical,但是不管怎么样都不要中途放弃。
最后楼主英国top 10 but non top 5 university second year student, got rejection two days after the AC.
Feel free to ask if you got any questions