
Hong Kong IBD Summer 面经

  Citi的申请比较简单,网申没有openquestion,把CV、CL(据说没人看)上传后填些基本信息就可以了。然后就是第一轮phone in,由三个junior banker分别跟你约时间然后聊30-40分钟。最后是一个半天的AC。

  Phone in会比较偏Tech一点,虽然也有很多behavioral和CV-based,但是比其他行都面的tech很多,特来贴一些LZ觉得非ACCTOUNTING背景要注意的问题:

  1. Associate

  Walk me through your resume and why Citi

  Walk me through the 3 F/Ss. How are they related to one another?

  What is minority interest? Why is it important?

  If a company owns less than 51% of another company, how should youdeal with that ownership?

  If a company pays out $10 dividend, how will that affect the 3 F/Ss?

  2. VP

  How do you select the comparable set in the Trading Comps method?

  Pros and cons of DCF?

  How would you build up an operating model for a company?

  How to calculate a company’s market capitalization?

  How to calculate the number of diluted shares outstanding? Whyshould we use diluted shares instead of basic shares?

  3. Associate

  Why discount factor is important in DCF?

  Why is FCF important? Why don’t why focus on revenues instead ofFCF?

  Difference b/w unlevered and levered FCFs?

  How do you calculate cost of debt if the bond’s denominated currencyis different from the currency of the firm’s cash flows?

  Any recent news you’ve been paying attention to?

  For recent financial news, be prepared to answer it from any perspectives. The interviewer will try to challenge your response from different angles.

  Overall, No M&A/LBO/DCM questions involved.


  2 traditional interviews + 1 financialtimes newspaper discussion + 1 case study & presentation

  Traditional Interview

  感觉没什么好准备的,能问的tech电面里都问到的,会比较多的聊人生聊理想之类的,包括被问到favorite courses in college时,扯了好久关于design的东西,所以就是尽可能准备好口语和networking skill

  Financial Times Discussion


  建议:这个要靠平时积累,多读些research reports,deal news,然后自己思考一些行业的前景问题,和banker尽情的扯任何一个news可能给Citi带来的deal opportunity。There is no model answer here。LZ当时就有扯说建议Citi去advise BAT去收购英国的retailchain firm,当时的新闻是说one of UK’s largest retail chain firm is experiencing huge loss。当时该banker表示这个idea虽然很crazy但是他很喜欢=_=

  Case Study


  45分钟group discussion


  首先就是45分钟自己的部分一定要充分利用好时间把重点信息从一大叠case材料里提炼出来,然后清晰有逻辑的写一个briefing email。这个可以平时做些case study练一练。比如Harvard Business School就有很多类似的case。

  Group Discussion的话LZ觉得切记不要太aggressive,banker肯定不想招一个比自己还aggressive的人进来天天吵架的。冷静,有条理的把自己之前准备的point论述全面,并且有条理的组织整个discussion(包括提醒大家时间,建议大家可以从background讨论过度到solution讨论之类的)
