先来个热气腾腾的amazon intern:26/1/2013 two round phone screen
Round 1: Chinese interviewer
What is a Hash Table? The internal structure of hash table.
Q1:Grid Game. A 4*4 01 Grid, when activiate a[j], all grid next to it will flip. Given a begin status and a target status, whether you can reach the target status from the beginning. (I use DFS)
Q2:Coin Combination. 在careercup150题里recursion那章出现过 (I used DFS again~)
Round 2: 3bro interviewer
What is a Hash Table? The internal structure of hash table. (How do you guys love hash table....)
Q2:Find the kth biggest element in an array of n 第二题我用的heap那种做法,结果三哥说如果k==n,复杂度不就沦落了...当场傻了,,然后改了快排那种做法,然后三哥说最差情况是n^2,和他争了好久说可以用random。这一轮估计跪了。
下面都是上学期面挂了的full time。英文记录比较原始比较乱...大家将就着看吧..
Bloomberg: 10/10/2012 on campus
1.write a function which calculate the upper characters of a given string
2.combine q=25, n=5, d=10 to form a given number (i use brute force) 这道就是careercup150里recursion那章的coin那题
3.sort a 0-1 string, and give out the index of the first 0 number (要给出test case)-
1.what's the difference between class and struct.
2.static variable. visit 1point3acres.com for more.
3.how to use lock
4.what's the scope of a lock lock这里问得很深入,问到lock的实现以及各种原理性的东西了,在这里挂掉了....
Amazon: Around October, 2012, on campus 4 rounds
First round:coding: given a string, find out the first char which is not duplicated.
Second round
coding: atoi, be sure to consider some edge cases
question: 1. What is hash and how it work? 2. Deadlock and how to detect and prevent
Third round:
coding: max stack, how to improve it, using less extra space 就是careercup上stack那章的题。我基本方法做出来了,improvement方法在他提示下艰难写出....
question: given an array, how to sort a given element fastest?
Fourth round:
coding: rotate sorted array 又是careercup上的题,sorting & searching那章。面的时候记得我看过,结果不会做,,直接瞎扯了一大通。。估计就是死在这题上的。
自从这次面完amazon懂得一个真理,career cup是王道....
Yahoo: Around October, 2012, phone screen. On site 31/11/2012
Phone Interview: 2 sum, N Queens
On site
Round 1:
1. what data structure do you like the most? 我说了hashtable,就引出了后面的问题.....
2. Implement a hash table
3. How to search in a binary search tree
Round 2:
1. basic concepts of OO in C++
2. Design pattern: Singleton, Factory 前一天在飞机上使劲复习了一下这两个,结果当场要写代码还是跪了...
3. Given a linked list, print the reverse list
Round 3:
OOP:design a Tetrix game 这个就是慢慢说慢慢写慢慢和他讨论
Round 4:这里有个插曲。我到了yahoo才发现自己apply的是front end,但是我css js这些都不会...跟前面的interviewer说了,结果没啥用。这个interviewer一进来我一跟他说,,他就郁闷了,就问了一些很简单的问题,在轻松愉快的气氛中挂了...
CSS, JAVASCRIPT,disaster......
Ebay: Around November.
Round 2:
1. Coding Problem: See if two strings are Anagrams.
2. When will you use quicksort?
Round 3:
1. Implement a Queue using two stacks 这道题当场查百度的。。(大神轻拍...),结果中间就一行code是否redundant的问题和对方争了好久,,最后发现自己错了,真的是redundant...
2. Find the kth largest number in a set of numbers