最近很多重要事情很需要我攒人品以成功实现目标,因此值此毕业前夕,把这个私人用notes share一下有“福”共享把(在11月20号的grinnell college investoment club给东欧哥帅领的猴子们讲过我的经历,以下是其中一部分,翻译了一些笔记)
自己:爱荷华暴风玉米村里的Grinnell College (LAC),经济系
TIAA-CREF (美国退休基金会,投资管理的公司,企业合并收购部门,学校的实习项目,在纽约,工资略少)
Micheal Bloomberg NYC Mayor's Office (纽约市市长办公室,最最苦b的外联部门,但是天天窥视全美前10富有的传奇人物bloomberg。。个人connection,在纽约,工资略少)
US Securities and Exchange Commission (美国联邦证券交易委员会,联邦政府监管机构,投资交易部门的公共事务实习生,投简历的,在华盛顿,没有工资只有津贴政府坑爹啊。我是人才短缺时期被特别招的,指纹安检体检各种审核了一个月,正常要求美国公民)
Investment Compnay Institute (投资公司智库,金融和产业部门,分析华尔街的投资公司建立的智库+说客机构,满地经济学家+律师无节操地奔向国会山让他们不要虐华尔街。。。天使一般好人的经济学家校友给的实习,在华盛顿,没有工资但免费吃饭+被送了一堆gift cards==;;)
另外,大三冬假我在Bloomingdale's纽约的旗舰店做了Brand Ambassador (品牌大使,其实和导购没太大区别,BS水平要好。。。)因为只是朋友推荐去赚零花钱的,就不说了呵呵呵呵呵囧
在投入猥琐的金融业怀抱之前我是一个充满美好憧憬的poli sci + theatre专业,在学校校队跑过短跑,演过莎士比亚,后来因为没课选上了一节intro to econ,爱上了各种不make sense的交交叉叉的线线,投靠了做金融管理咨询的女强人美国豪放意大利妈(日常俗称”我老板“因为她深刻影响了我的性格和职业选择),又交了一些做投行的朋友,因此走上了不归路)
-- (we sat at a trading floor meeting 6:30am in the morning) could you brief me what was in the meeting? (尼玛谁记得?!我醒着就不错了。。)
-- (给了一个巨诡异的脑筋急转弯)I think your solution is wrong, what would you do now? (尼玛扣你一脸鸡蛋啊!)
-- when’s Grinnell college founded ? (尼玛学校不是我建的我也不知道!)
-- name 50 states of USA? (面政府的时候被问的,尼玛当场掀桌啊!从东到西列到16的时候被制止了。。。==搞毛线。。。)
-- what do you think JMKeynes would say about this situation (尼玛自己去问凯恩斯啊!!于是乎我讲了一些,然后开始批判凯恩斯因为我是信奉亚当斯密的)
-- if you are given 100million dollars now what would you do? (尼玛当然是卷钱跑路了!谁还继续跟你扯啊?!)
-- after seeing your resume I don’t get why you are applying for this, why not a consultant or … (还要我说什么好呢。。。这种人很容易让被面试的人产生畏惧/沮丧/激动,所以要冷静优雅地反击)
- Weather (OMG Grinnell has 5 inches of snow now we are gonna fight in our dorms for cereals very soon!)
- sports (yea I had to train 3 hours a day when I was in the track team, that’s why I don’t need a car in the midwest!) 2012年之后无论面试还是聊天都可以把jack taylor这个让科比颤抖的小盆友直接搬出来大聊,要不要帮你要签名啊??很多人都爱看篮球看nba的
- college life (my dad persuaded me to come to Grinnell because of a full scholarship => then he bought an expensive car with my college fund hehehehe囧)
- college life version2 (I thought I should get to the Midwest after living 17years in a big city, you know to see the cornfield, the but god no! there’s only flat land and squirrels!)
- travel&culture (how’s china like? A: crowded, hot, many short people which makes me feel good, and a lot of money to be made)
- pets (面试官说,啊我女儿有两只狗,我:呵呵我喜欢狗肉。。。just joking)
自己感觉,通常面对强势的女人要严肃+可爱,和金融的菊哥哥/叔叔们时幽默无厘头一点各种鬼扯,但是一定一定一定要谦虚,不要和人争论或者吹嘘自己(ie I was the first one in my school to get that internship/found that club)血泪的教训!!!
--what drew you to your comapny and this position, what you like about the company, and about your job? dislike?
(why are you still in it? why did you make a change?) what's challenging specifically for xxx in today’s environment?
(what's the biggest difference of xx compared to other large corporations?)
what are some of the key points leadership instill in the firm?
--what kind of people/intern succeed in trading? traits you think that are most valuable.
then what kind of person has been or would NOT be successful for this position? what is not valued?
--I also would like to know about some more specifics about the internship? what's the supervisor role? what kind of colleagues and teammates I'll have? and how do we communicate, such as feedbacks and evaluations?
(other than trainings and wonderful experience on the job, are there any other professional opportunities or connections provided to interns?
how close are the interns to (observing) the decision making process and senior leadership? how much teamwork and individual work is expected?)
--with your experience like this, upon looking at my resume and judging from the interview, are there skills or experience or characteristics I can enhance or develop to better fit the position, the program, or even the culture?
compared to other candidates what would you say its m strengths and weaknesses?
-- Im very interested in the job, is there anything I can do to improve my chance of working for xxx (这几个问题问过后基本上你就知道面试有没有成功了)
---can you help me understand what and when are the next steps?
Thank you so much for your time. I really appreciate it, and learned a lot about the program. I definitely look forward to talking to or meeting you soon
如果被面试官问问题,ie怎么算Manhattan有多少台电脑多少出租车,回答完一定一定一定一定要反问:how would answer/calculate/think? (马上把自己和书呆子区别开来!!)
Q--------Tell me about yourself
1. Enthusiasm and knowledge in financial markets, investment, and trading:
TIAA-CREF: gained sophisticated understanding of the industry and got interested.
When I got back to school from the internship, I continued to work in the local chamber of commerce to carry out more projects and learn about business investment
then I apply for SEC and ICI: During my internship at the Trading & Markets Division of the SEC, I studied many regulatory issues, investment products, and market
2. Excellent quantitative and analytical skills: As an Economics major with several internships in economics and finance, I have developed scholastic and professional skills to digest, analyze, and communicate large amount of information and data in financial markets, macro-economic trends, fund products, etc. I’m a quick learner, I can identify, and get into new information, skills or technologies very fast. During my internship at the Investment Company Institute, I worked with PhD Economists to research and advise members on mutual fund investment solutions and strategies
3. Strong initiative, energy, confidence, and thrive under pressure: I am motivated, result-oriented, and a quick learner who can immerse myself in the team and make a positive impact. I am efficient in fulfilling requirements, solving problems, and working with incomplete information in a demanding environment.
good example - high school, life experience in three countries
choosing an academically rigorous school and washington dc program
4. Exceptional communication and client management abilities: I have worked successfully with professionals and clients from different areas and backgrounds.
It is this combination of academic interest, working experience and personality and passion, that made me interested
Q---------why hire you?
qualifications: knowledge on market, analytical, communications, work under pressure
add-on: well-rounded experience and perspective, from experience and LAC
(ie the insights on how liquidity dries up before economic release; politics and government interventions: 2011 euro/swiss, swiss got too strong 7% in one day/central bank policies/psychology over risk or greed)
Q---------career plan why
1.background: major, interest, internship. professional experience: I think investment management and banking reflect macro economics picture and market activities. My background training offered the resources and my qualities for the big picture as well as detail execution are most competitive
2. motivated by fast paced environment, strengths: analytical/quantitative skills, communication skills and work with people at different levels, ability to learn quickly, detail orientedness and ability to work really hard
3. international experience and perspectives
(why US: 这是针对一个特别想把我塞到香港的公司)
- matureness, creativeness, innovation on investment products
- robust system: capitalism, US financial system, mature products
- new econ models, businesses, industries: new high-tech, pharmaceutical, internet, new energy
- the most active capital market, network, and information for personal growth
- problems: medicare and social security system, government spending, low efficiency on traditional industries)
although people have different opinions, and some think the industry is down, economy fluctuate and future direction is not clear especially with tightening economic situation and regulation.
I'm looking at not only a job, but also opportunities to create solutions for problems and improve processes
teamwork spirit: not just a leader but also cooperate,
- focus on details, constructive opinions, support, benefit from my perspectives and experience from all areas
- love learning from people in all areas, especially in a environment with all the smart people
还有一些烂大街的问题是关于你的resume,做过的project/research/intern, 列举teamwork或者difficult 经历,我的例子就不举了,一个好用的理论是这样的:
3S理论是美国的推销员用的模板:situation – solution – success
Situation: 讲清楚目标或者项目和问题是什么 Solution: 你怎么解决的这个问题 Success;得到什么样的效果,策略有效吗etc
Cover letter 和resume分享一下构造吧,具体隐私的就不要放了。Resume和大多数人的版型不一样,之前被一个同事吐槽太乱他就帮我改了,详细可以去搜yale school of management的模板,适合经历比较多/杂乱的
God Bless!