

A: Tell me why you are interested in working for this company, willyou?

B: I think working in this companywould give me the best oppotunity to use what I‘ve learned at college, studyingpublic administration for four years. I think this company has a great futureand I‘ll be able to develop my own capabilities here. So for a long time I‘vebeen thinking I‘d like to work with this company.

Q:What are your best professional skills?
A:I think i am skilled in computeroperation and maintenance.
Q:What kind of people do you prefer to workwith?
A:I prefer to work with those who are willto work with other people.
Q:What do you think you are worth to us?
A:I feel i can make some positivecontributions to you company in the
Q:What make you think you would success inthis position?
A:With my graduate school training and myself-study.I am sure I will meet
with success.
Q:Will you work well under stress orpressure?
A:I am young and have more energy,so ithink i can handle it well.

Q:How do you handle your conflict with yourcolleagues in your work?
A:I will try to present my ideas in a moreclear and civilized way in order
to get my points across.
Q:How do you handle your failure?
A:None of us was born "perfect".Iwill sure to be given a second chance to
correct my mistake.

A: Is there anything you regret not having done or would like to havedone differently at college?

B: I‘ve spent so much time on clubactivities during the four years. However, I‘ve never missed any of my classes.But I think my academic records would have been much better if I had put moretime and energy into studying, looking back on it.

A: What kind of personality do you think you have?

B: I feel that I take the initiativeto get things done.

A: Do you think you are introvertedor extroverted?

B: I‘m quite outgoing, I think. Ienjoy mixing and doing things with others.

A: What are your weak points (faults, weaknesses) and strong points (strengths)?

B: Well, I‘m afraid I‘m a poortalker, and that isn‘t very good, so I‘ve been learning how to speak in public.I suppose a strong point is that I like developing new things and ideas.

A: What do you think is the mostimportant thing for you to be happy?

B: I maintain that the most importantthing is having good friends. A person can‘t live all by himself, I think. Ittakes a lot of people working and cooperating together. A friend in need is afriend indeed. So the more really close friends I have, the better.

A: What attitude do you take towardslife?

B: Time and tide wait for no man. Sowe mustn‘t put off till tomorrow what can be done today. I‘ve found out thattime and money get away very easily —— you think you are in possession of them, and they‘re gone! Putting things off just makes itworse later, so even if it‘s hard at the time, I try to get things done thatday and not to let them go.